
The perfumier (pronounced per-fyoo-meer) is a fragrance blog. I actually had no idea that a blog dedicated to fragrance and all could exist, till the inspiration came.
I write The Perfumier to unearth the art and beauty that is embedded in the fragrance world. So many people have little or no idea of what the world of perfume entails. This blog seeks to broaden knowledge and open up the olfactory on the essence of that is hidden in this charm.
This blog is for fragrance lovers, but not just them, those drawn to nature and things around. Beauty as we all know is more than skin deep and true beauty lies in us making use of natural resources around us and simple tips to do the magic which would make us exude confidence like never before.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Dumebi,

    You have a unique blog, well done!

    I’m quite lazy when it comes to picking perfumes but your blog might steer me in the right direction. ๐Ÿ™‚


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